Part of what Jesus says to the church throughout the book of Revelation is this: "Evil is real. It is both inside and outside of God’s church. But let us overcome it together.” In fact Jesus has already defeated all the forces of evil once and for all. And he calls his people to join in his victory. This talk is both about us taking seriously the ways in which we collude with evil in our own lives, and how we are able to overcome it - specifically through joining in the worship of heaven and putting out faith in the victory of the lamb.
Revelation: The End of Fear
One of the most misunderstood and misapplied books in the Bible, Revelation has tended to either scared people off or unhealthily preoccupied them. In this introduction to the series we explore what this curious book actually is, and importantly what it isn’t. Ultimately this is a book a much about our present as it is our future - and it’s one which expands our vision to the extremes of how big and awe-inspiring Jesus is. His first words spoken in the book are ‘do not be afraid’ - he is good, he loves us, and he has been and will continue to be victorious over all evil.
2022 – Leave Behind Your Box - talk + Q&A
We are happy to have had Mark Chase with us (virtually that is, as you’ll notice by the not so great audio quality). We observed how each of us clings to a box, that thing we take comfort in, where we feel safe, where it’s predictable and it’s often what we can put God in. But God isn’t meant to be put in a box, he comes to shatter our boxes and offer us something much more valuable: life with him. When we let him get a hold of us, we can partner with God to create a better world that looks after the marginalized, seeks justice, and is meaningful. God comes to release life and flourishing for all and you can join him. This is what his kingdom is about and he does this by his Spirit. All of this is followed by a Q&A where Ed and Mark chat about what this looks like in our church. Take a listen.