Jesus: the glory of God.

Jesus: the glory of God.

The transfiguration is a rare moment of respite and balm for both the disciples, and Jesus, in the middle of the struggles of ministry. Despite the teaching, the healing, the deliverance and the miracles, Jesus is still opposed, threatened and misunderstood. Even his closest friends don’t really get it. And soon, he will make it to Jerusalem where suffering and execution await.

But here, on the mountain, Jesus is glorified. It is a moment of glory and wonder: the cloud of God’s presence enveloping all who witness it. It must have been wonderful to experience! If Jesus needed such a moment of respite from the brokenness of the world, how much more do we?

This week in Los Angeles has been a terrible reminder of the chaos of our world. But, thanks to Jesus, his glory and the presence of God is available to us all the time. This talk is a call to worship the divine Son of God and enter into his presence. Especially in times of trouble, there is no better place for us to be. In his presence, we are transformed - our motives, our prayers, our thoughts, and our desires are all aligned with his - and we are best able to be his people to a world in need.

By Ed Flint

Jesus, the Christ.

Jesus, the Christ.

As we kick off the new year, we continue our series in Mark’s gospel. For many, this time of year is about making new resolutions. Jesus, though, comes to bring something greater than anything human resolve will ever accomplish. He knows our fundamental need is not a material one, but a spiritual one. So, he warns that whilst we may gain the whole world through our human endeavors, we can still lose our soul. Only he can achieve for us the life free from the power of sin that we so fundamentally need. And, he bids us give our whole self to him, so we can rise with him to the fullness of a life, no longer controlled by sin, which we most crave.

So, let us make this our one resolution for this, and every coming year: to be people who give up themselves to Jesus, to take up our cross and follow. This is where real life is to be found.

By Ed Flint

Advent 2024: Glory.

Advent 2024: Glory.

This week, we take a closer look at one of the most well-known parts of the Christmas story: the angels appearing to the shepherds. Who were the shepherds, and how can we relate to them? What is God’s glory, how is it used throughout the Bible, and how can we live Into our identity as image (glory)-bearers of God?

By Tavia Grubbs

Advent 2024: the scandalous love of God.

Advent 2024: the scandalous love of God.

As Mary and Joseph participated in the unique miracle of Jesus' birth, they experienced deep blessing mixed with profound personal sacrifice. But, they willingly accepted the certain risk of scandal and rejection in order that God's loving purposes for the world might be perfectly fulfilled in Jesus.

Texts: Luke 1:26-45; Matthew 1:18-25

By Keith Beebe

Advent 2024: Christmas Joy.

Advent 2024: Christmas Joy.

For as long as our history is traceable, we homo sapiens have been progressing, and by all accounts we’re set to hit warp speed on all that with the dawn of AI. But the Christian joy that is celebrated at Christmas is not about progress, it’s about a different kind of rescue altogether.

The wisdom of God stands totally outside of all our ideas of progress and advancement (which we’d be fools to put too much faith in, if we look lack in earnest at our past) What Jesus came to do was to set us right on a cosmic level - forever, and completely. And what the spirit is here for, is our daily access to Him, while we wait for the life we were always made for.

By Hannah Flint

Jesus, deliverer from distress.

Jesus, deliverer from distress.

There is an epidemic of anxiety in the west. 50 million people in US have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. The number is rising. In today’s talk we find the disciples in distress. Something they experience whenever they are, or feel, separated from Jesus. This is something we will all experience. Whenever we’re dislocated from Jesus, our anxiety will rise, because we’re made for closeness to him. But Jesus meets his disciples in all his power. He is the lord of glory - the great I am. He displays his authority over all evil by trampling on the waves of the deep. And his compassion and closeness is seen as he gets into the boat with his troubled disciples. And as soon as he does so he alleviates all their fear.

By Ed Flint

Jesus, revolutionary shepherd.

Jesus, revolutionary shepherd.

Who is leading you?

Jesus sees the crowd in Galilee as sheep without a shepherd. But rather than be the revolutionary zealot leader the people want him to be, he reveals a different kind of leadership. He is the servant God who gives his life up for the sake of others. And in word and deed, he alone is the bread of life who brings satisfaction to the human condition.

We’re called to let him, the revolutionary shepherd, lead all aspects of our life. Not least our finances. As we launch our end of year giving campaign, we’re calling the church to let him be lord over our money, to invest in his kingdom, and to be vulnerable with our finances, allowing him to be our source of all security and protection.

By Ed Flint

Jesus, power for good.

Jesus, power for good.

In a rare moment when Jesus does not appear in the gospel, Mark tells the story of Herod’s beheading of John the Baptist.

Herod’s story is a cautionary one about the misery that comes when someone devotes their life to the pursuit of earthly power. Where Herod’s power destroys, Jesus’ power, exemplified in the life of John, by contrast, creates, redeems and sets free. It’s his power that we are made for and we find it by dying to our broken versions of power and rising with him in his mighty strength.

By Ed Flint

Jesus, scandalously lowly.

Jesus, scandalously lowly.

This might be as good a moment as ever to be reminded of the type of power Jesus came to display. God of all creation, gave everything up, to live among the poor and downtrodden, and face the offense that this wrought. Jesus' lowly statues was an offense to everyone - to the elites, the priest, and in our passage, his hometown.

And his answer in Mark 6? To send out the disciples in his power; to get close to people, to free them from evil, heal their sick and preach the good news. There is no clearer way to see the kingdom Heaven, than in the moments we see worldly power fail so spectacularly. So, whatever it is we feel about what’s happening on world stages, let us not fail to worship Jesus today.

By Hannah Flint

Jesus, powerful kindness.

Jesus, powerful kindness.

Power over disease. Power over demons. Power over death. What would a power like that feel like? Is it scary? Is it intimidating? Is it comforting? Is it kind?

In this talk, we zoom into two miracles given to seemingly opposite people, and find out that they have more in common than meets the eye. Along the way we’ll see how the power of Jesus and the kindness of Jesus are intertwined, and how Jesus meets us in the midst of our circumstance, if we open our hearts to him.

By Tavia Grubbs

Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath.

Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath.

Jesus declares himself Lord of the Sabbath. This is less about him arguing over Sabbath law, and more about him establishing his Lordship over everything, including that which we most hold dear.

This is confrontational and necessarily requires his hearers, as well as us, to consider where our hearts have wandered to other gods. When we’re confronted like this we have a choice: we can react defensively, with avoidance, or rejection. Or we can choose to humble ourselves and receive his Lordship over our lives - to do so is to experience not enslavement but freedom, life not death. His offer is of Sabbath rest for all of us - reconnection to God, and life as it was alway intended.

By Ed Flint

Jesus, the forgiver of sins.

Jesus, the forgiver of sins.

Jesus first encounters opposition to his ministry when he begins to proclaim the forgiveness of sin.

Things get confrontational when Jesus refuses to be limited to the surface issues of our lives. Declaring himself as the one who forgives sin means not only equating himself with God, but tells us we have a fundamental problem which only He can solve.

Often our requests to Jesus reveal that we only really want him to scratch the surface issues of our lives. But Jesus is primarily fixated on the state of our hearts. If we let him, he will transform our hearts to be ones after his own. This is where lasting peace, joy, praise, and freedom is to be found.

By Ed Flint

Jesus, the inaugurator of the Kingdom.

Jesus, the inaugurator of the Kingdom.

Jesus’ first public pronouncement concerns the arrival of the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom is God’s just rule over the universe where all pain and evil cease and joy and peace abound. The Kingdom has come because Jesus, the King, has come. So entrance into the Kingdom is available to all who follow him. Its markers are evil banished, the sick healed, and the authority of Jesus revealed.

By Ed Flint

Jesus, the prophesied one.

Jesus, the prophesied one.

Jesus doesn’t enter the world in a vacuum, he’s the long awaited Messiah. But he’s more than a human deliverer. He’s the divine Son of God.

This intro to the series is an invitation to expand our view of who Jesus is, and a challenge where we’ve restricted who we’re willing to let him to be.

By Ed Flint

Sabbatical Reflections: Resting, in spite of…

Sabbatical Reflections: Resting, in spite of…

The command to rest was written into God’s rhythm for life on earth, and was an instruction given to his people from the very beginning.

Jesus demonstrated his human need for rest (including quiet time alone, and down-time with His disciples) with prolific frequency.

So, what can we learn from that? That he’d got it all done in time for chilling? Or that he knew how badly he needed quiet time with His father in order to sustain him in his mission. If we look at the OG rest Psalm (23), we see that the green pastures and still waters of heavenly rest aren’t actually promised as relief from life’s woes, but are to be found right in the midst of them.

By Hannah Flint

Sabbatical Reflections: Living with limits.

Sabbatical Reflections: Living with limits.

Part of maturing as a Christian is learning to identify and live within the limits God places on our lives. There are limits to our capacity, our resources, our gifting and our calling. When we push beyond the boundaries of where God would have us we end up causing ourselves and others pain, and harming our relationship with him. We do this inevitably when we reject God’s lordship of our lives and choose to become arbiters of our own destiny. Jesus calls us back to himself. He loves us too much to see us hurt ourselves by stretching ourselves too thin. We can trust his limits to enable us to thrive.

By Ed Flint

Come Alive: Learning to tell time.

Come Alive: Learning to tell time.

Given the current cultural moment, it would be wise for disciples of Jesus not to sleep their life away and, instead, to wake up to the realities surrounding them. We are not the first to be charged with that task!

Paul’s challenge to the church comes with specific advice on how to partner with the Holy Spirit in not only learning to tell time, but to redeem it!

By Bill Dogterom

Come Alive: Obedience in three, ten-minute sermons.

Come Alive: Obedience in three, ten-minute sermons.

To celebrate what God is doing in our community, this week’s talk was comprised of 3 ten minute sermons given by members of bread in their first time preaching.

On the shared theme of obedience Amber, Paul, and Rebekah teach on obedience as an expression of our love for God, the joy that comes from obeying him, and the blessing that obedience brings to others.

Come Alive: Life by the spirit.

Come Alive: Life by the spirit.

“Wretched man that I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?” [Romans 7:24]. This is the dramatic way Paul ends the seventh chapter of his letter to the Romans.

But just one chapter later he writes “in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us!” [Romans 8:37].

What revelation did he have that got him so excited and full of faith after voicing such despair? And what does his discovery mean for us today?

By Ben Manusama