Jesus, the revolutionary.
During Jesus’ life, the subject of revolution was never far away. When he is asked about paying taxes to Caesar, the question behind the question is this: ‘Are you a revolutionary?’ Jesus’ response amazes the crowd. He says both ‘yes’ and ‘no’. No, he is not a revolutionary like any revolutionary before or after. But yes, he is a revolutionary unlike the world has or will ever see. His revolution is not of political but of cosmic, supernatural power. His is the revolution of bringing heaven to earth. His is a revolution of the defeat of sin and greed and lust for power.
As such, it is the only revolution worthy of our time. And he beckons us not just to enjoy the fruits of it, but to extend it to a world in need. In a time of political turmoil and anguish in our own country, remembering that in the face of similar chaos, Jesus’ focus remained fixed on the Kingdom of God is timely. We’re made for the kingdom that is both eternal and material, now, and not yet. Let us embrace it as the only hope for a world in need.
By Ed Flint