This may go without saying, but when it comes to a Christian understanding of sexuality, not everyone agrees. These are complex issues and a range of different convictions are represented within the bread community. Even amongst our leadership there isn’t consensus on all issues. But we’re united in decrying the way in which the gay and queer community has historically been treated by the church.
The stark reality is that for our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters, these are not simply issues of theological debate, but of freedom to exist in church.
What we are assured of is Jesus’ mission to end all division: between God and humankind, as well as division between each of us. He does this through his death and resurrection, beckoning all of humanity to enter into the oneness of his kingdom where he alone is Lord (Eph 2:14-22). As his church we are called to bear witness to this kingdom, in which there is no discrimination.
For these reasons, you are welcome however you identify. We embrace people of all sexual identities, whilst exhorting everyone to find our ultimate identity in Jesus.
At bread, your gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age or bodily ability does not preclude you from leadership. What we’re interested in is whether a person is committed to following Jesus, submitted to his discipleship, and called, gifted, and has the character to use their gifts in his service.
When you come to a Sunday service, you’ll meet people who are gay, straight and queer, and who are single, dating and married. Again, we encourage everyone to put Jesus at the center of their relationship status, whatever that status may be.
In God’s kingdom our differences don’t cease to exist, they just cease to be that which ultimately define us. So our hope is that everyone, irrespective of their theological position on this issue, can feel fully part of the church.
We will simply insist that Jesus’ unconditional love for everyone, and his call to submit our whole selves to him, including our theology and our sexuality, must never be neglected.
In the end, the most important thing is for each of us to become more like Jesus in every aspect of our lives. This will always be the focus of the life of bread, and we’d be delighted for you to join us.