2022 – Leave Behind Your Box - talk + Q&A

We are happy to have had Mark Chase with us (virtually that is, as you’ll notice by the not so great audio quality). We observed how each of us clings to a box, that thing we take comfort in, where we feel safe, where it’s predictable and it’s often what we can put God in. But God isn’t meant to be put in a box, he comes to shatter our boxes and offer us something much more valuable: life with him. When we let him get a hold of us, we can partner with God to create a better world that looks after the marginalized, seeks justice, and is meaningful. God comes to release life and flourishing for all and you can join him. This is what his kingdom is about and he does this by his Spirit. All of this is followed by a Q&A where Ed and Mark chat about what this looks like in our church. Take a listen.