Sunday Talks

Seven Years: The value of the supernatural

Seven Years: The value of the supernatural

In this last sermon of our values series, we looked at the NOW side of the kingdom, specifically in how - since Jesus' first instruction to his disciples - healing was always given to be a sign of it.  It’s very simple: praying for healing is part of what it is to follow Jesus, so let’s learn how to do it together. The talk ends with a huge number of personal stories from within our community so prepare to have your mind-blown and faith expanded. 

Seven Years: The value of now/not yet.

Seven Years: The value of now/not yet.

Grasping the tension of our Christian existence is crucial to a mature, Christian life - there is no other way around it. Jesus taught us that his kingdom had arrived and that it was still a way off. We are old man flesh, being changed by the spirit, more and more into the new AND we are already new creations. Jesus knows who we are and where we live! When Paul first arrived in Corinth, we see how badly he needed reminding of this too. The Now/Not Yet paradigm isn’t just a piece of theology, it will pervade every aspect of our personhood if we allow it to.