Ministry + Power of the Spirit

We’ve been greatly influenced by the Vineyard Church movement which originated through John Wimber in Anaheim, CA. Wimber taught that everyone can learn how to pray for people in the power of the Holy Spirit. It is not the preserve of the select few.

It is when we open ourselves to the Spirit that he meets us in tangible ways. He brings healing to our emotions, our bodies, and our past experiences. He brings release from spiritual and institutional oppression. He pours his love and forgiveness into us and empowers us to do hat we are created for.

We all need more of the Spirit all the time. And Jesus calls us to give just as we have received. 

Prayer Training is a two week course exploring the theology behind how and why we pray for people in the power of the Spirit, and the practical model we use. It is core to our values as a church and so we encourage everyone to do it. 

When? May 28th and 29th - 7:00p-8:30p

Where? Bread’s office (5631 Hollywood blvd, ste b).

Who’s it for? Everyone. 

Food available? Light snacks will be provided, come having eaten (if possible).