Sabbatical Reflections: Living with limits.

Sabbatical Reflections: Living with limits.

Part of maturing as a Christian is learning to identify and live within the limits God places on our lives. There are limits to our capacity, our resources, our gifting and our calling. When we push beyond the boundaries of where God would have us we end up causing ourselves and others pain, and harming our relationship with him. We do this inevitably when we reject God’s lordship of our lives and choose to become arbiters of our own destiny. Jesus calls us back to himself. He loves us too much to see us hurt ourselves by stretching ourselves too thin. We can trust his limits to enable us to thrive.

By Ed Flint

Come Alive: Learning to tell time.

Come Alive: Learning to tell time.

Given the current cultural moment, it would be wise for disciples of Jesus not to sleep their life away and, instead, to wake up to the realities surrounding them. We are not the first to be charged with that task!

Paul’s challenge to the church comes with specific advice on how to partner with the Holy Spirit in not only learning to tell time, but to redeem it!

By Bill Dogterom

Come Alive: Obedience in three, ten-minute sermons.

Come Alive: Obedience in three, ten-minute sermons.

To celebrate what God is doing in our community, this week’s talk was comprised of 3 ten minute sermons given by members of bread in their first time preaching.

On the shared theme of obedience Amber, Paul, and Rebekah teach on obedience as an expression of our love for God, the joy that comes from obeying him, and the blessing that obedience brings to others.

Come Alive: Life by the spirit.

Come Alive: Life by the spirit.

“Wretched man that I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?” [Romans 7:24]. This is the dramatic way Paul ends the seventh chapter of his letter to the Romans.

But just one chapter later he writes “in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us!” [Romans 8:37].

What revelation did he have that got him so excited and full of faith after voicing such despair? And what does his discovery mean for us today?

By Ben Manusama

Come Alive: When we are washed by Jesus.

Come Alive: When we are washed by Jesus.

As we continue to look to Jesus to “Come Alive,” we’re considering the layers of meaning in Jesus washing his disciples’ feet in John 13. In spite of our resistance, Jesus is constantly moving toward us to show us his strength, his care, and ability to set things right in our lives. His Spirit is washing us from shame, fear, anxiety, or even just the disappointment of life.

Are we slowing down enough to let him care for us, and show tenderness to the more “unsightly” parts of us?

By Nelly D’Alessandro

Come Alive: Authority, compassion, and hope.

Come Alive: Authority, compassion, and hope.

In Week 3 of our Coming Alive series, guest speaker Jon Hans returns as we take a look at the first half of Luke chapter 7 with Jesus’ encounter with a Roman Centurion and a grieving widow. Who or what is the controlling authority in your life? Will you let God’s heart break for you or allow Him to speak dead things back to life? Jon explores these questions and more in our pursuit to come alive.

By Jon Hans

Come Alive: God becoming real.

Come Alive: God becoming real.

Continuing our “Come Alive” series, guest speaker Jon Hans shares his story of how God became real in his life through his experiences of growing up always the new kid, moving to West Papua, Indonesia as a missionary kid, and finding the God of immeasurable love in the midst of tragedy.

By Jon Hans

Come Alive: What needs to be awakened?

Come Alive: What needs to be awakened?

In this introduction to our “Come Alive” series, we explore Lazarus’ coming-alive moment in John. Mary and Martha’s friendship with Jesus is a great model for us, as we ask ourselves what parts of our selves still need to be awoken by the sound of Jesus’ voice.

We’ll also consider together the counter-cultural pursuit of Rest as another invitation to “coming alive” in Jesus more intentionally this summer.

By Nelly D’Alessandro

A Fresh Word: The lostness, the foundness, the love.

A Fresh Word: The lostness, the foundness, the love.

Looking into the parable of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin, we find God portrayed as an active Seeker of lost ones. God’s tenacious search and rescue is motivated by God’s tremendous love for us. These stories speak deep truths about who God is and how God feels about each of us.

By Lisa Borden

A Fresh Word: God as our safe place, our home.

A Fresh Word: God as our safe place, our home.

Unraveling the opening line of Psalm 91, we find God’s welcome to settle and be at home in the shelter of who God is. There is a YES/AND in that we cannot exist outside of God, AND we’re invited to choose to make our home in God. As we trust God to be our safe place, we begin to thrive.

By Lisa Borden

A Fresh Word: God is big enough.

A Fresh Word: God is big enough.

As worship expands our understanding of God, we will discover God is “big enough” for all that happens in our lives – and for us. In fact, worship – having put God in God’s rightful place – puts us in our place, as well – where we discover forgiveness enabling repentance. That leads us to an intimacy with God, enabling us to hear the invitation to mission – and to respond.

By Bill Dogterom

Seven Years: The value of the experience of the holy spirit.

Seven Years: The value of the experience of the holy spirit.

We were made for experience and the Bible is a book of countless peoples' experience of the one true God. And yet for many, their Christian faith has become more about belief and behavior than experience. Pentecost is the day we celebrate the Holy Spirit being poured out on all believers. He meets us as a felt experience and a powerful experience. He renews and empowers. There is always more of him. And the more full of him we are, the more we will live the lives we were created for. So, be filled with the Holy Spirit.

By Ed Flint

Seven Years: The value of other.

Seven Years: The value of other.

The new church of Jewish believers in Acts saw tremendous things, but before it even spread from Jerusalem, there were problems. The reunification of disparate tribes was proving predictably tough. But in just a few verses we see how, being full of the spirit and wisdom, the pain of the past, and the problems of the present are transformed. Our brains are wired for division and hierarchy. But the gospel changes that forever.

Seven Years: The value of generosity.

Seven Years: The value of generosity.

Before bread was even a church, people connected with the idea of bread have been incredibly generous towards it. We want to continue that marker of generosity in everything we do.

This should be no surprise. To be a Christian is to be generous: it is who we are. The more we experience God’s grace - his unmerited generosity - the more generous we become. The key is having him as our bottomline, as opposed to money, or success, or anything else.

When we operate from grace, our giving becomes active and regular, rather than passive and irregular. And the benefits are invaluable- God's glory and His kingdom extended in our lives and all the lives of those connected to us.

By Ed Flint

Seven Years: The value of worship.

Seven Years: The value of worship.

Worship is innate to all of God’s creation including all of us as human beings. We reflect God’s glory by simply existing. But it’s also a choice. When we choose to enter into God’s presence in worship we in faith acknowledge who God is and what he is like. We can’t necessarily make God more visible to us but we can make ourselves more visible to him.

So, by being honest about where we’re at in worship; surrendering our anger, our fear, our worries, our joy and sadness to him, he meets us as he is- our all-loving, all-powerful, all-knowing God, and as we are, his dearly loved creation made to be with him.

By Tavia Grubbs

Seven Years: The value of identity.

Seven Years: The value of identity.

In this talk, we explore the profound truth of our worthiness as beings created in God's image. Just as Eve succumbed to the lie of inadequacy, many of us believe we're not enough, striving to earn love and belonging. This struggle is compounded by societal influences like racism and misogyny, as well as clever marketing campaigns convincing us we aren't quite enough.

However, God's unconditional love assures us of our inherent worth. From this foundation, we're empowered to navigate life's challenges, free from the need to prove our worthiness. Join us as we discover the liberating truth: worthiness is our birthright.

By Anthony McLean

Seven Years: The value of rest.

Seven Years: The value of rest.

The importance of rest is instituted in the very first verses of the Bible. After six days of creation, God rests. We, as people made in his image, are called to rest like him. Sabbath is more than just a day off each week. Sabbath means to stop, rest - but also to delight in creation, worship God and receive from him. A regular weekly rhythm of rest is essential for us to live as the images of God we were created to be.

By Ed Flint

Seven Years: The value of team.

Seven Years: The value of team.

The goal of any church is to build the kingdom of God. And that can best be done when we work together as a team. What it means to be part of a team is demonstrated brilliantly by Barnabas in the book of Acts. Barnabas was a wonderful encourager. And we can be too. Encouragement dispels fear, promotes grace, releases potential and restores the fallen. Bread has had some excellent encouragers down the years. Let’s continue! The more we receive the encouragement of God, whose spirit is the Great Encourager, the more we will be empowered to encourage one another.

By Ed Flint