Come alive: Learning to tell time.
Given the current cultural moment, it would be wise for disciples of Jesus not to sleep their life away and, instead, to wake up to the realities surrounding them. We are not the first to be charged with that task!
Paul’s challenge to the church comes with specific advice on how to partner with the Holy Spirit in not only learning to tell time, but to redeem it!
By Bill Dogterom

Come Alive: Doubt, expectations, and approaching Jesus with everything.
In Week 3 of our Coming Alive series, guest speaker Jon Hans returns as we take a look at the first half of Luke chapter 7 with Jesus’ encounter with a Roman Centurion and a grieving widow. Who or what is the controlling authority in your life? Will you let God’s heart break for you or allow Him to speak dead things back to life? Jon explores these questions and more in our pursuit to come alive.
By Jon Hans

Come Alive: Authority, compassion, and hope.
In Week 3 of our Coming Alive series, guest speaker Jon Hans returns as we take a look at the first half of Luke chapter 7 with Jesus’ encounter with a Roman Centurion and a grieving widow. Who or what is the controlling authority in your life? Will you let God’s heart break for you or allow Him to speak dead things back to life? Jon explores these questions and more in our pursuit to come alive.
By Jon Hans

Come Alive: God becoming real.
Continuing our “Come Alive” series, guest speaker Jon Hans shares his story of how God became real in his life through his experiences of growing up always the new kid, moving to West Papua, Indonesia as a missionary kid, and finding the God of immeasurable love in the midst of tragedy.
By Jon Hans

A Fresh Word: The lostness, the foundness, the love.
Looking into the parable of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin, we find God portrayed as an active Seeker of lost ones. God’s tenacious search and rescue is motivated by God’s tremendous love for us. These stories speak deep truths about who God is and how God feels about each of us.
By Lisa Borden

A Fresh Word: God as our safe place, our home.
Unraveling the opening line of Psalm 91, we find God’s welcome to settle and be at home in the shelter of who God is. There is a YES/AND in that we cannot exist outside of God, AND we’re invited to choose to make our home in God. As we trust God to be our safe place, we begin to thrive.
By Lisa Borden

A Fresh Word: God is big enough.
As worship expands our understanding of God, we will discover God is “big enough” for all that happens in our lives – and for us. In fact, worship – having put God in God’s rightful place – puts us in our place, as well – where we discover forgiveness enabling repentance. That leads us to an intimacy with God, enabling us to hear the invitation to mission – and to respond.
By Bill Dogterom

Courage is calling.
It takes courage to be a Canaanite woman who crosses the border of Tyre and Sidon and approach a rabbi to ask for mercy. The story of the Canaanite mother who demonstrates faith in Jesus is a compelling narrative of courage. She believes in the identity and authority of Jesus over demons and disease so she courageously asks him to heal her daughter. When Jesus sees her persistent faith, he does as she wishes. It takes courage to call out for mercy. it takes courage to have faith in God’s vision for wholeness, flourishing, and justice. It take courage put faith into action and approach God for what we need. When we do, we become conduits for mercy.
By Inés Velásquez-McBryde

If Jesus is supreme, you'll be alive.
Our friend and co-founder Alice returned to us from London (not for long, but we’ll take what we can get) to speak about what peace and submission look like in Jesus-centered community. In Paul’s day, power imbalances between husband and wives, slaves and masters and parents and child may have looked a little different to how they do today, but the driving force behind them remain the same; we give up power we follow Jesus. And when we do so we always win.
By Alice Colwell

Hope and help during times of tumult and transition.
Guest speaker and good friend Robin Morrison brought us a fantastic word about having hope and help during times of tumult and transition (hands up anyone who’s NOT in a time of transition right now!) He brings wisdom and insight on how to deal with delays, disappointments and dead-ends with his usual trademark style and grace
By Robin Morrison