Tavia Grubbs

Advent 2024: Glory.

Advent 2024: Glory.

This week, we take a closer look at one of the most well-known parts of the Christmas story: the angels appearing to the shepherds. Who were the shepherds, and how can we relate to them? What is God’s glory, how is it used throughout the Bible, and how can we live Into our identity as image (glory)-bearers of God?

By Tavia Grubbs

Jesus, powerful kindness.

Jesus, powerful kindness.

Power over disease. Power over demons. Power over death. What would a power like that feel like? Is it scary? Is it intimidating? Is it comforting? Is it kind?

In this talk, we zoom into two miracles given to seemingly opposite people, and find out that they have more in common than meets the eye. Along the way we’ll see how the power of Jesus and the kindness of Jesus are intertwined, and how Jesus meets us in the midst of our circumstance, if we open our hearts to him.

By Tavia Grubbs

Seven Years: The value of worship.

Seven Years: The value of worship.

Worship is innate to all of God’s creation including all of us as human beings. We reflect God’s glory by simply existing. But it’s also a choice. When we choose to enter into God’s presence in worship we in faith acknowledge who God is and what he is like. We can’t necessarily make God more visible to us but we can make ourselves more visible to him.

So, by being honest about where we’re at in worship; surrendering our anger, our fear, our worries, our joy and sadness to him, he meets us as he is- our all-loving, all-powerful, all-knowing God, and as we are, his dearly loved creation made to be with him.

By Tavia Grubbs

Galatians: freedom for inclusion.

Galatians: freedom for inclusion.

Humans have always divided themselves into “us and them”, for the sake of belonging and safety. The goal of the Kingdom, however, is not to strengthen your group at the expense of another. It’s the difficult work of expanding “us”.

In this passage, Paul radically defends against the type of faith that includes a small print. He says there are no disclaimers to the Gospel. It is a free gift received by faith alone. We are in a new era, a new Kingdom, and it’s good news for everyone, period.

In this talk, we discuss the things that cause division, and the challenge to be the type of community that is infused with grace. 

By Tavia Grubbs

Advent: Through the Eyes of Joseph

Advent: Through the Eyes of Joseph

In this talk, we look at the nativity story through the eyes of Joseph - the quiet, faithful carpenter, and adoptive parent of Jesus Christ. Even in the version that tells his side, Joseph functions like a “minor character”. He’s low on the call sheet. He sings in the ensemble. He’s an extra. He, very literally, has no lines. Yet Joseph never tries to take glory. He has all of the power, and still, everything he does shows kindness, humility, and obedience to God. Joseph goes to bed one night and meets with an angel in his dreams, telling him that the baby to be born is not only a supernatural work of the Spirit, but will be known as Immanuel, God with us. In revealing this to him, God shows that he is not only Immanuel, God with the world, but he is also Immanuel, God with Joseph. Immanuel is God seeing us, knowing us, and then meeting us exactly where we are. Not where we appear to be, not where we want to be, but where we are, with what we need. 

By Tavia Grubbs

I AM - The True Vine

I AM - The True Vine

Do we earn God’s love by obeying his commands? The perfectionist mindset makes it very difficult to understand the concept of unconditional love. In this talk we unpack what Jesus really means when he says “if you obey my commands you will abide in my love”, what his commands are, and how his purposes in everything are to lead us toward joy and life to the fullest.

by Tavia Grubbs

David: A Legacy of Worship

David: A Legacy of Worship

From deep lament to joyful praise, the influence that David has had over the way we worship is probably the most of any other human in history. In this talk we explore the expansive faith of David through his worship, and we learn some lesser-known stories, like that of Michal, his wife. When our identity as children of God becomes the foundation, faith and freedom in worship follows