Moses: Believe God is in control and know that you matter.

One of the things the world is most in need of is great leadership. So, how can we know what godly leadership looks like, and how can we grow as leaders? Moses is one of the greatest leaders in the Bible. In his birth story we see the foundations on which great leaders stand. They know that, despite the turmoil of the world, God is good and God is in control. When you truly believe this you see that you’re no accident, there is a purpose and calling to your life; you won’t be surprised by what might happen, because nothing is a surprise to God; and you’ll know that in the end everything will work out well because Jesus has defeated all that might come against you. It’s these foundations that enable us to grow into godly leaders who impact and influence our environment for Jesus and his kingdom.

By Ed Flint


Moses: Learn from our failures.


Advent: Unexpected news (Raul's farewell).