Jesus, the one who calls.
Jesus steps down from his mountaintop experience of glory into the chaos of scribes, crowd, demonic oppression, and most importantly, the other disciples’ failure to represent Him in their battle with evil. They have not remembered what they have been taught. They have not been able to manage without him, and it shows us (and it showed Jesus) quite how far they still have to go, in their journey as His disciples.
Commentators call this section of Mark’s gospel ‘a study of discipleship,' and as we continue to follow Him in our response to great need in our city, this passage could not be more timely. In it, we see Jesus' call be undermined as ours will always be too; we see Jesus' authentic frustration about that, and yet His doubling-down in commitment to His mission; and we see how it is that He keeps going to fulfill what He has been called to.
For any of us asking ‘where do we go from here,’ let’s look again at Jesus' example, and let Him remind us what it looks like to follow Him.
By Hannah Flint