A Letter of Welcome

This is for you if you’re wondering if bread is a church where you will be welcomed and can find a home. Of course, any words published on a website can only do so much, but we hope what follows at least gives a flavor of what bread is like.

It may go without saying, but when it comes to a Christian understanding of sexuality, not everyone agrees. These are complex issues and a range of different convictions are represented within the bread community. Even amongst our leadership there isn’t unanimity on everything.

But, we are united in decrying the way in which the queer community has been mistreated in church, acknowledging that for many, these are not simply issues of theological debate, but of freedom to exist.

And, we are assured of Jesus’ mission to end division: between God and humankind, and between each of us. He does this through his death and resurrection, beckoning all of humanity to enter into the oneness of his kingdom where he alone is Lord (Ephesians 2). As his church we are called to bear witness to this kingdom.

For these reasons, we welcome you whatever your sexual orientation, whilst exhorting all of us to find our ultimate identity in Jesus.

Your gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or bodily ability does not preclude you from leadership in our church. What we’re interested in is whether a person is committed to following Jesus, submitted to his discipleship, called, gifted, and has the character to use their gifts in his service.

At bread, you’ll meet people who are gay, straight, and queer; single, dating, and married; and with a range of differing theological convictions about marriage. Our hope is that everyone, irrespective of their differences and convictions can pursue Jesus as Lord over every aspect of their lives, and feel fully part of the church.

This will always be the focus of the life of bread, and we’d be delighted for you to join us.

Love from,
Ed, Hannah, and the leadership team