Resources On Racial Justice. 

As followers of Jesus, there is no room for uncertainty:

  • We are all one in Him

  • He came to end all division, including every instance of racism

  • We, the Church, are His rescue plan for the world

So we must know who we are, what we believe, and what we stand for. Let us, in the power of Jesus’ cross, dispel the deathly stench of racism from our own lives. Let us, in the power of Jesus’ love, petition and fight for justice in our land.

A starting point for all of this, is education. So we’ve put together this list of resources. 

You are adults, with discernment, and God-given powers of reason. This is not about us agreeing or disagreeing with every single thing (eg there is language we wouldn’t use, and theology we wouldn’t entirely agree with). But this is about broadening our perspective, being open to change, and allowing the Spirit of Truth - our ultimate guiding principle - to speak to us through it. 

Racism is an evil that needs to be fought. We, the church, commit to this cause.

Books (Secular)

Books (Christian)



Non-Profit Organizations